When I saw the headline for this article I almost thought the
‘cone of silence’ Erik ranted about for
crying babies had been created, but something else is keeping infants off planes and
giving parents something to cry out about. The ‘No-fly list.’ According to this
CNN piece some parents and their darling
little infants, as young as 11-months old have been stopped before boarding the plane. Apparently the child’s name
is on the government’s ridiculous list of people who have been barred from flying or require extra scrutiny before
boarding the plane. For parents with suspected little terrorists, this has become a nightmare as they have to have all
sorts of documents faxed over to prove the only bomb the infant knows how to make is the foul-smelling stink bombs
found in their diapers. Spending so much time trying to get these documents last minute often results in missed flights
which is incredibly lame.