Lori Hein runs this solid little blog called
Ribbons of Highway, which also happens to be the name of her book,
a story about her travels with her daughter across America. Her blog features posts about her travels around the world,
and includes some recent
posts about Nassau
and Moscow and St. Petersburg that I thought were really well done. She fills her posts with vivid details and
desriptions that really put you there.
Here, for example, she blogs
about a recent trip to the town of Aveiro on Portugal’s Silver Coast:
“The marble slabs held octopus, squid, gleaming, flashing fish of all sizes and types. Red just-cut salmon steaks.
Fishmongers wielding mallets and knives, pounding then slicing fresh fish flesh into various cuts, chunks and filets.
The sound of pounding and slicing permeated the wrought iron structure that housed the market.”
Nice writing. Give this blog a look.