While on the topic of health insurance, I have to point out this clever page from the World Nomads website. This Australian insurance company caters to the independent traveler, and although I’ve never used them myself, I’ve read positive stuff from travelers who have purchased a policy with them. Heck, I’d use them just because of their noteworthy creative writing skills. Never have I been so enthralled to read about insurance.
Their A to Z of Adventure page is written with true Aussie wit. It gives a run down of all the zany activities that they do – and more importantly, DON’T cover – so travelers know what’s in store if something goes wrong on the road. They start out with a few scenario questions that I laughed out loud at while reading, and point potential customers to The Darwin Awards to illustrate the really stupid things folks do. Then they tell us again and again, all the way down the page, that they will not cover us for stupid things, or things that they think folks are crazy for doing, like chasing a bear while on the piss, running with the bulls or BASE jumping.
World Nomads doesn’t cover any activity that uses support ropes (that means no hang gliding, ice climbing or parachuting) but they do cover bungee jumping, camel riding and zorbing. Go figure.