For RV Junkies Only

Here’s a piece from the Chippewa Falls
Online Community
about taking to the road this fall in a
RV. According to statistics one in every twelve vehicle-owning households in the U.S.
now owns a RV. Which if you do the math would be somewhere around 7 million households.  For the
numbers to be so high I find it rather odd that I don’t know anyone who personally owns one. Where are the bulk of
these RV owners? The Dakotas? Montana? Whoever they are they must have all the luck and luxury of seeing the
country in ways we all dream of at some point. 

Imagine cruising the Ozarks or taking a trip around one of the Great Lakes with your family and
friends? Perhaps you’d prefer watching the seasons change at a campground in Maine later making it down to the
Great Smokey Mountain National Park in North Carolina. The options are endless according to several RV
enthusiasts who provide several resources for travelers looking to get started in traveling this way. With many of
the comforts found at home and the convenience of being mobile packed into one it’s no surprise road trippin’ in RV’s
has become so popular. Consider this another great way to connect with the people you love most and even the
ones that pester you the most and be thankful you’re not cramped into the car.