Picture this: it’s just you, Katzenberg, Geffen, and Spielberg.
The room gets dark, and up there on the screen is footage you shot on your last trip to Brazil. A scene of you running
through the rainforest, perhaps, and being pursued by an angry drug lord. What happens next? Hey, I don’t know how it
ends. It’s your movie.
See, the idea is that perhaps you entered the 64 Second Movie
contest at Dreamworks. You do so at home, with friends, whatever, and the movie lasts just 64 seconds. Then you submit
the film to the folks at Dreamworks, and when they select your film, you get a personal audince with the Dreamworks
guys (I can’t say for sure Spielberg will be there…but it will be SOME Dreamworks guys). The theme for the contest is
“Waitlessness” which means less waiting…as in less time to render…a kind of movie person joke. Anyway, the point is
that anyone can make a great movie, and you never know if