Of all the travel ideas I’ve seen in the last few days, this one really clicked with me. I lived in DC for a couple
of years and always enjoyed exploring the Mall and other parts of the city. Getting around on the subway is fine, but
to really experience DC you pretty much have to walk. Like I do now in New York, I walked everywhere in DC. And that
was fine, but it was slow. But now a company in DC is offering
Segway tours of the Capitol and I have to say that’s VERY cool.
Apparently you need about a half hour or so of training and prep, and then off you go, toodling around the Capitol
Building, kicking up grit along the Mall, running over the toes of Senators and Supreme Court Justices (Hey, Roberts!
Watch yourself, buddy!), and exploring the many historical nooks and crannies of the city. Then, at the end of the day,
maybe head over to Herpes Triangle for a sudsy one (do they still call it that?). The tours only last until the end of
November, and then pick up again in the Spring. So get busy if you want to do this in the short term. The cost of the
tour is $65, with a $400 deposit.