In da Bginnin God cre8d da heavens

There you are, riding the bus or the subway…or maybe out camping…and you find you are seriously in need of some
Biblical inspiration. You need a passage from Genesis to help you describe the lovely surroundings perhaps, or
something out of Leviticus to shout down the glutinous sinner in the seat in front of you. I don’t know…let’s just say
you never know when you might need a bible.

Well, now you can have a
of the good book right on your cell phone. The Bible Society in
recently launched a cell phone translation of all 31,173 verses of the Bible…and someone, some hip, lucky
monk with his cap on backwards, I suppose, got to translate the whole thing into the abbreviated language of cell phone

Here’s one example:

U, Lord, r my shepherd. I will neva be in need. U let me rest in fields of green grass. U lead
me 2 streams of peaceful water. (Psalm 23, verses 1-2).

Makes you wonder if today Moses would come down from the mountain with the Ten
Commandments on his Razr.