The Weblogs, Inc. network features over 100 independent, unfiltered bloggers producing over 1,000 blog posts a week
across over 75 industry-leading blogs. Each week we ask our bloggers to choose their top posts, which we bring to you
in one easy-to-read weekly post. You’ll find links to the hottest posts from the past week after the jump including an
exploding snake, a new Gameboy Advance hack, and how to survive a run of bad luck.
Willy Volk laments the
mauling of a 10-year-old girl by a
crocodile but rejoices over
H20 Audio?s new
waterproof MP3 player housing, while Erik Olsen revels in the
marine life in Patagonia.
Luxist?s Jordan Running shows you where to
buy Britney?s bra for Hurricane Relief and Rick Reed finds
the highflying MotoArt B-25 Bomber Desk while Deidre
Woollard discovers what $20 million will get you in Tampa
The Wireless Weblog?s Michael Sciannamea says the early
criticism of Wireless Philadelphia lacks merit,
profiles the new ARM processor that promises high
performance for cellphones running audio, video, and gaming applications, and wonders if today?s 10-year-old
kids are being unduly influenced by the increasing
use of cellphones by adults.
Gadling?s Erik Olsen on the
exploding python, Kelly Amabile takes a gander at the
Genre Traveler, and Adrienne Wilson goes
Card Squad?s
Joanne Lutynec faces an all-in call, and asks CardSquad
readers ?How would you play it?? Plus, is it a
new poker site, or a spooky alternate-reality game? Wil
Wheaton finds out what Last Call Poker
is all about and chimes in on surviving the
inevitable downswings at the poker table.
HD Beat?s
Richard Lawler explains how the
?ROM Mark? for Blu-Ray security works and
Matt Burns splurges on an
HD DVR and shares his experience
while Kevin C. Tofel asks you
?which sport looks best in
Josh Ozersky
reveals the secrets of his
refrigerator, Stefania Butler cooks up a
tasty pot roast and
Nick Vagnoni tells how to
photograph those tasty treats you
BBHub?s Russell
Shaw has been busy this week hunting down photos and screenshots of three unannounced – but soon to be released –
BlackBerry models. Russ has photos and exclusive specs for the
BlackBerry 7100e, offers six photos of the
SprintNextel BlackBerry
7100i, and scoops the thus-far unannounced
BlackBerry 7285.
Hack-A-Day?s Eliot Phillips helps you
decide whether to upgrade your PSP firmware,
samples new fashion trends with a wearable LED display,
and proves that a Gameboy Advance can be used for almost anything, including a
hang glider?s variometer.
DVGuru?s Ajit
Anthony shows off a new
dashboard widget for
calculating hard drive space needed for HD video. Plus,
Mike Burgoyne takes a look at all of the
new DV tech being shown off at this years
CEATEC in Japan and takes a peak at the new CitiDISK
HDV portable HD video recorder.