A Short Word for Beulah

Tomorrow we’re embarking on a journey to very big places in a city filled with V.I.P’s, babbling
homeless, cuisines from around the globe, fashionistas and a sea of yellow taxi’s.
While all these things are beyond exciting I’d like to reflect on a place and piece of where I come
from. I’d like to give a quick shout out to Beulah. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it. I never spent more than a day in the
tiny stretch of community, no more than three miles long, located in Mississippi. Don’t even bother
googling the name - you won’t find much. You’re
probably wondering why bring it up, waste my time and what on Earth would take me to
Beulah, MS?

My Grandmother lives in Beulah, but for those without friend or family, banging down walls to get into the
town, let me sum it up for you. The latitude of the area is 33.786N and longitude is 90.979W. If you’re into taking
your GPS device for a spin and killing time, then finding Beulah might be the perfect day-trip. However, you’ll
want to pack a good lunch due to the lack of fine dining around and plan to drive a little ways into Cleveland or
Greenville for your hotel stay. Feel free to grab a can of pop from the little and only gas station in the area before
you move on out and up north. If you happen to look back upon the little community in the Mississippi country
you’ll notice the sign pictured above, which suggests there is a ton of great fishing fun to be had. I never saw
the lakes or ponds at that, so keep it moving folks because we’re heading to the big city!