Bahamian Foods for Dummies

Dummies Guides are well-known for their up front on cover insults. I’ve purchased a couple of
their guides on software programs in the past, sliding them across the register fast,
so no-one-would know in which fields I was lacking knowledge. Pardon my being dramatic. But in terms of
travel, I refuse to be called a dummy! I’m an explorer, conqueror, vagabond, nomad, gadling, but no dummy.
 Unknown territory is there to be wandered with or without recommendation. For some reason it strikes me as
odd that they have travel guides and the nerve to call anyone a dummy who has yet to feast on say, Bahamian food.

And here it is. You’re online source of
Dummies Guide: Bahamian Foods. I’m sure there
are several publications out there to look up items like johnny cake, stewed fish, and the islands specialty -
conch salad, but if you’re just looking to refresh what you already know or don’t know start here. They’ve done a fine
job making notes of all the different kind of conch you can get, island drinks, and what works for children as raw
minced mollusk might be scary for the kiddies.

If you’d like to see what other destinations Dummies has listed in their catalogue click here. No
here, dummy. (Yuk-yuk)