Kayak in a Pack

I’m just finishing up my second reading of Paul Theroux’s Happy Isles of
Oceania, probably my favorite book by one of my favorite authors. In the book, Theroux, crotchety as ever, takes a
collapsible kayak to Oceania (you know, that place on the other side of the globe with all the small islands…um,
including Australia and NZ), and paddles around partly under the pretense of following in the footsteps of famed
anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski whose classic book
on the Trobriands painted the culture there as a sex-driven paradise.

Well, in this spirit, I found a link today over at
for the First Light kayak, a portable kayak in a pack
that weighs under 20 pounds, is rather small (compared to some collapsibles) and is said to be easy to assemble. I took
a look at the site for the kayak, made by a New Zealand company, and was very pleased to find a whole assembly of
great little videos showing the kayak in action. Very