Glimpse Abroad

Glimpse Abroad is a unique online resource for
young adults interested in cross-cultural learning and exchange programs. It features over 350 first person travel
pieces written by study abroad students and volunteers from over 90 countries. It has recently added interactive web
capabilities (although some of them, like setting up a blog, require a fee) so young adults spending time abroad can
connect with peers at home, share their cultural insights and offer advice to other prospective travelers.

I think the free articles available on the website are of the greatest value to parents and kids considering a
study/volunteer abroad oppty. They are organized by location and by topics like
culture shock,
language learning and
race & identity. Each issue of the
companion print publication focuses on a particular region. The
Glimpse Quarterly is available to students for $20 a year.
Both the magazine and website are produced by the Glimpse Foundation,
a nonprofit that fosters cross-cultural understanding for young adults living and studying abroad.