Check out
the interview on
WorldHum with one of my favorite travel writers/editors around, Jen Leo.
I just got my hands on a copy of her newest book The Thong Also Rises and have begun reading it. It’s filled with
giggle inducing stories written by and about traveling women…some of whom apparently are fond of thongs. NOT that
there’s anything WRONG with that! Thankfully, too, for us guy traveler/writers, she’s been working on a final edition
of the underwear trilogy called “What Color is Your Jock Strap?” and while the, um, jock strap has not to my
knowledge ever become a requisite travel accessory, I expect it will be a fine, funny denouement to the series. But if
you are an aspiring travel writer or just interested in the biz, give the article a read. At the very least, you’ll
learn a bit about the writer’s life, underwear and poker. Not
necessarily in that order.