There has been quite a bit of travel talk among our friends at
Blogging Baby the past few weeks. Here is a summary of their experiences,
full of tips and tales that all parents can appreciate and relate to, I’m sure:
Beth assesses the best gear for changing planes with
child and is thrilled to report on what worked and
what didn’t after her solo flight ends in success.
Sarah survives security while flying solo with
baby, who wiggles with eyes wide open in a window
seat for the entire return trip.
Stefania gets over her pre-flight fears and shares
six tips for traveling solo with two kids. (Shipping
the clothes ahead of time!? Totally impressive pre-trip planning.)
And Jay celebrates the joys and sorrows of
occasional child-free travel. Everyone deserves a break sometimes, especially hard-working parents like this crew.
Thanks for sharing your travel highs and lows with us.