Don’t Smooch in Public and Other Ruminations

Someone, someday is going to have to write a long treatise on our odd fears of sex. I’m not basing anyone here, but
you have to admit that from the Muslim requirement that women bundle up and show nary a swatch of skin, to the Puritan
fashion ethic of high-neck frilly dresses, to the libidinous gyrations of a Madonna or Beyonce on stage, we are a
species conflicted. And here is yet another example. In
India’s north-western Rajasthan state, they have issued
cultural guidelines to tourists to help them better fit in and not offend the local populace.

Among other directives, the guidelines say that: 1) Men should never touch women in public, even to help a woman out
of a car, unless the lady is very elderly or infirm. 2) In Indian culture… men socialize with men, and women with
women. 3) Married couples do not hug, hold hands or kiss in public. Even embracing at airports and train stations is
considered out of the question. 4) and, of course, drinking alcohol or smoking in public, no matter how innocent, are
interpreted as a sign of moral laxity and are not acceptable.

Again, I have no wish to be critical of other cultures. I am merely saying that these are curious phenomena, just like
our odd consumption values and obsession with sex might strike others as odd or outdated. If I were to venture to guess
what’s behind it all, all the fear of sexual expression stuff, though, and forgive me for getting a bit over-wrought
here, I believe it has to do with the Darwinian need to be certain of paternity. If your woman is running all around
showing off her skin, she elicits the attention of other males, thus reducing your certainty that your children are
yours. When you are uncertain that your children were wrung from your genes, you are less likely to care for them, thus
reducing their chances for survival. Thus, over time, a cultural/behavioral meme has emerged compelling men to compel
women to reduce their appeal to other males. Just a thought. (and you thought this was just a travel blog!)