Adrienne already mentioned that you can gift American
Airlines Frequent Flyer Miles for that special someone this holiday season. Here’s another flight rewards program, this
time from Continental, who claims to have the very first
online personal
gift registry account. (Actually, Adrienne mentioned this
one too, but it is worth repeating now that the holidays are here.) The registry is for OnePass members, who can
then notify friends and family that they are signed up and waiting for gifts :)
A gift certificate is slightly different, as it allows anyone to purchase or receive money towards
air travel to anywhere Continental Airlines flies. The recipient will have the freedom to choose their dates of travel
and class of service in addition to their itinerary. That means 200+ destinations in over 40 countries to choose from!
And you don’t have to be a Continental OnePass member to purchase or redeem.
Certificates are available in the amount of your
choice between $25 and $10,000. Best thing about these certificates is that they can be used towards the purchase of
all types of air travel, including promotional fares and specials.
[Also check out this list of other airline gift
cards compiled by TravelPost.]