Gadling Gift Guide: NPR Driveway Moments

If you’re a fan of NPR, then you know
there are some stories that capture your attention wherever you are, and in our car-consumed culture, that means we’re
often riding in an automobile. So there are times ,then, when you’re in the car and some incredible NPR story comes on
and yo say, whoa, no matter where I’m going or what I’m doing, I have to listen to the end of this thing, Well, NPR
created a CD with a bunch of what it calls “Driveway Moment” stories. Just as I described, Driveway Moment stories are
those that you will stop in your driveway to hear. You won’t get out, you won’t open the turn to fetch groceries,
you’ll just sit there and listen. Well, since I am such a fan of NPR, and I know others out there are, too, I figured a
cool gift idea, and a relatively cheap one at that, would be a
some of the best NPR stories

The set here contains all three of the Driveway Moments CD compilations, which means six CDs full of great NPR stories
to help your friend or family member load up his/her ipod. A cool gift, the compilation runs about $45.