Best Airports and Lounges

A few months ago when I was on my way to Armenia, I got stuck in the Munich Airport for several hours during a
fairly massive layover. But I guess I shouldn’t say “stuck” because the experience was actually quite pleasant. I
hunkered down in the lounge at the airport, which was stocked with beer and wine and snacks, and there were comfy
couches and chairs and there was Internet access and TV’s on and, well, it was kinda like chilling at home. So it is
not a surprise for me to discover that the Munich airport actually makes
the list of top ten

Strangely, it didn’t make the list for lounges, which you can see if you click the popoff at the site. Which means
that the ones who did, well, they must be pretty spectacular. But what is conspicuous to me about the list, and quite
sad when you think about it, is there is not a single US airport on the list. Hong Kong tops the airports list, with
Munich down at fourth place, but again, not a single US airport. Can’t we do better than this?