Looking for Maps?

Here’s a confession: I’ve always thought that being a cartographer would be a way cool job.
Way back when I worked for the Interior Dept., I got a chance to meet some of the United
States Geological Survey’s
map-makers, and they told me all about traveling around the globe to plot coordinates
and map the earth’s features. Then they spend countless hours drawing incredibly detailed maps of regions so that they
can be on record.

Of course, today much mapmaking is done by satellite, but I still think the idea of making these incredibly useful
records of places is cool. In other words, I love maps. And I was very psyched to stumble upon this great online map
resource called the California Map and Travel Center where you can buy maps of
pretty much anywhere you want to go.  The interface is a bit lame, but once you get in and go digging around,
you’ll be amazed at the amount of stuff here. A great resource for gifts, I think.