Wallpaper CityScapes

Looks like Wallpaper* has a weekly column called CityScapes, but it differs some from ours here at Gadling. Their most recent one on Tokyo touches a lot on the city architecture and it’s ranking as most dangerous city,
not in terms of crime, but vulnerability to natural disasters. Being long over due for an earthquake the CityScape
focuses on how residents and city officials prepare for such events and market property to residents looking for the
best protection. Brochures for luxury properties often use terms like ‘latest seismic damping and seismic
isolation technology’ as selling points. Also mentioned in the dispatch is a recent scandal of sorts for Japanese
architect Hidetsugu Aneha, who gave false earthquake-resistance assessments on several buildings including one hotel.


This isn’t something you would normally Google or search in Expedia while booking a hotel in Tokyo
or even San Francisco at that, but if you’re the type who gets extremely paranoid about such things the little
tips from Wallpaper* CityScapes serve as
a great starter.