Arctic Adventure

With the transit strike on
here in New York and the weather conditions being quite nippy, it’s hard to get myself really psyched up for a
story about the Arctic. But I am a dutiful soldier in Bloggerdom and feel it is my duty to call attention to pieces
that merit a look.

And so it goes.  Over at CNN, which yesterday seemed to be broadcasting the Miami plane
crash every second for hours, there is a piece on traveling in the Arctic,
namely, along Anaktuvuk Pass way up in Alaska’s Gates of the Arctic
National Park.

The traveler visits the last remaining settlement of the Nunamiut Eskimos, who can be found
around the Brooks Range near the northern Continental Divide. According to the peice, thevillage’s 300 residents
make up the only community within the Gates of the Arctic National Park. They also have a museum. The writer takes off
on a rather extreme road trip, venturing to the Pipeline and writing about the communities and characters that have
grown up along it. A nice piece, but not one you want to read right now if you, like me, just came in from the