Every little Caribbean island should have a blog like this one on Barbados. I’d take up the task of exploring and blogging about each myself, if I had the time and money, but for now we can rely on the good old tourism bureaus to point us to over packed tourists spots and people like Linda, who point us in the opposite. Well okay, Linda isn’t exactly pointing us to dark, unwelcoming, roads off the beaten track, but she sure does have a good bird’s eye view of everything happening on in Barbados. Most recent posts include celebrity gossip bits on Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards, new cell phone regulations, the upcoming jazz festival in addition to several guest house and hotel recommendations. This blog appears to be updated on a regular basis, so it’s worth book marking if you plan on spending your next holiday in Barbados.
Arts and Culture / Barbados / Business / Festivals and Events / Food and Drink / Learning / Scuba Diving / Stories