River Sledging

We’ve gone on and on about kayaking here, mostly sea kayaking, that it might seem a bit that that we’re going to
advocate, at least for a weekend, that you ditch your kayak. Yes, we do so because we want you to try a new sport
called sledging. What is sledging? Well, it’s a lot like boogie boarding, but on more sophisticated boards (although
some Boogie Boards these days are pretty sophisticated) but you do it on a river. Yes, you should wear a helmet and you
should be careful of dangerous boulders, and someone has probably already gotten hurt, but you have to admit it looks
like a heck of a lot of fun. I may be wrong, but it seems as though this is a big deal in New Zealand, always a pioneer of the odd, slightly dangerous, but cool
water sport. Anyway, this is a new sport you ought to check out.