More New Year's Resolutions: Family Travel

My New Year’s travel resolution is pretty simple. See more places this year while keeping more money in the good old pink piggy bank. Simple right? Of course. Anyhow,if
you’re a parent and looking for better ways to make trips easier on the whole family, Eileen Ogintz created an excellent guide
to some resolutions
that are sure to work for you. Instead of waltzing into the room with tickets to destination X
that the kids will hate or die from teenage boredom, she suggests planning with your youngsters in 2006. Another good
trip tip is to finally take the trip. Long family reunions that are overdue need to be due. Don’t wait for aging Aunt
Maple or your loved one passes away before visiting. In short, make that family reunion finally happen.

other pretty good recommendation for the new year is to do something with the children that is new for the ENTIRE
family. I can see how this one might workout. Sometimes learning how to ski when your pops is a die-hard expert
pressuring you to go down what seems like a monstrous mountain for the first time, may not make for a pleasurable
experience. Or wait, letting your six year-old son navigate the speed boat while your eight year-old daughter cries,
curled up on the floor of the boat might not be a good one either.

Thanks Dad! I ain’t mad at ya.

via the Sun-Sentinel