Before anyone gets to wondering why all the posts on
Trinidad & Tobago or neighboring countries, let’s just say my travel planning is your travel planning too. A little
thing I like to do when searching for topics on the country is listen to some tunes from the area. It’s one of the best
ways to get in a feel good mood about where you’re headed, but also a way to find out what’s going on in the local
news. As fun and festive as Carnival events are, one still has to take precaution when traveling in any foreign
country. Keeping up with the news in where you’re headed should be just as important as packing a spare roll of toilet
paper. Anyhow, Trini has several good stations online which I’ll touch on over time, but for now you should enjoy the
sounds of Red 96.7 FM. (Lots of SOCA music and the streams are clear.) Use them to
wake up in the mornings or as the soundtrack to a morning wining workout session.