you ever read Ian Frazier? When I
encounter the stuf he’s done, I always drop the buck and read it. I first stumbled upon Frazier years ago when I read a
short piece he did called Coyote v. Acme, easily
one of the most creative and hilarious takes on lawyerdom I’ve ever read. Frazier is also a frequent contributor
to the New Yorker, my favorite magazines on the planet, and so I have occasion
to read his stuff when it makes the New Yorker’s pages. I actually saw Frazier at a New Yorker festival some
years ago, reading alongside Steve Martin.
Anyhow, here’s an article that was in
Outside a while ago called Terminal Ice about the coming apolcalypse. OK, it’s about icebergs, and the changing
Arctic landscape. It’s as fine example as there is of Frazier’s superb skills as a scribe.