Funny how one loses just a smidge of interest in an event
when say, their team (Oakland, Raiders) doesn’t make the cut for the Playoffs or better yet the Superbowl. Eight teams left to battle things out and 30 days until kick-off in
Detroit. Anyone got any predictions who’ll be at the final show this February 5, 2006? After this Wild Card weekend I’m
sure we’ll all be closer to telling. Anyone making plans to spend time in Detroit regardless of who’s playing? If so, be
sure to check out other events taking place as listed on the Superbowl XL: Detroit Host Committee site. There’s tons to experience in the city
before the games make it a bit more rowdy, performing arts, music, youth clinics, and a Detroit salute.
the meantime lets just sit back and watch this weekend. Since my team is out I’d thought I’d stay in the spirit of
things and root for the local team – Tampa Bay Bucs. Then I came to my senses and realized that wasn’t necessary. The
Raiders will be there next year. :)