Frommers Hot Travel Destinations

trust Arthur Frommer. After all, how could anyone whose advice has become so popular and so widely distributed be
anything less than reliable?

Well, in this
piece Frommer
offers his look at some of the best places to travel this year. It’s a solid, comprehensive list and
includes several places I myself would very much like to go. He singles out places like Buenos Aires, which has been
having a touch timne of it economically speking, but is definitely on the reboud. He also mentions Beijing and Croatia,
hardly off the beaten path, but both places are filled wit hhistory and have a certain exoticness about them. Israel is
also on the list. I give this a big thumbs up, even though it can be dangerous. I did my honeymoon in Israel and
consider it one of the best trips I’ve ever taken. Then there is Tahiti. Ah, Tahiti. Never been, but I’d go
tomorrow. Finally, he suggests Japan and (for a bit of a wild card) Charleston, S.C. Good ideas, all and worth
taking a look at the piece.