know we’re just a few days away from the start of Sundance, the
indie-gone-mainstream film festival that takes place in lovely Park City, Utah. I know that some of the folks here at
Weblogs are going, and, man, I wish I could count myself among them. But
someone has to stay home and work a real job. But I am told by a reliable source that this will be one of the best
Sundance Fests yet, and the streets of Park City are going to be teeming with stars and hacks alike.
you’re like me and will be experiencing the festival with virtual vicariousness, then you will want to bookmark the
links to the various shorts that will be available online. Also, you may want to check out the festival’s program to see which films have made it into
the fest. The list goes on and on, but I confess I am interested in several of the small art-house films like
Art School Confidential by Terry Zwigoff
and Neil Young: Heart of Gold by
Jonathan Demme, both of which will be premiered at the festival. Also of interest is
The Science of Sleep by Michel Gondry,
whose DVD of collected shorts I Netflixed recently and enjoyed immensely.
So keep an eye out for more on
Sundance as the magic date (Jan 19) approaches.