Cruise With Bill Bryson to the End of the Earth

Showing you once again that I am slow on the
uptake lately, I stumbled across this
cool mention
over at Jen Leo’s Writtenroad about a trip you can take to
Antarctica with none other than travel/science/linguistics writer extraordinaire Bill Bryson. Would I go to Antarctica
to hang out with Bryson? In a penguin’s heartbeat. But there’s a catch…a rather hefty financial one. The cost of the
trip is  about $5000.

According to this gizmag Article: The ultimate voyage to Antarctica
with the ultimate guide
you can join the New Scientist-sponsored trip for the 10 day/11 Night voyage to the
antipodes…or an antipode. The southern one. But again, that’s some serious cashola, so you need to be a scion of a
wealthy family, an investment banker, lottery winner, or completely cavalier about how/where you spend your money. What
are credit cards for, anyway?