September 2005 British photography Seamus Murphy and Outside magazine’s contributing editor took a trip into Syria. I
say that pretty casually. Instead let’s say they were on a mission to capture fascinating stories and photos of
people in a country that can be fairly unwelcoming to journalists, so it seems. The first piece of advice the two
received from journalists in Beirut was to think nothing of the camera, to smile and laugh a lot. Murphy claims this
technique worked. Not certain of the amount of laughter that went on, whether it was a small or enormous mixture of
rich deep jovial sound or light airy tittering it seems their mission was accomplished successfully and can be found in
the February issue of the magazine in a feature titled, "The Sweetest Villains." Images of Syria like this
shot of Damascus streets through a colored glass doorway are just one of Seamus Murphy’s works to be found in the online gallery. The picture is visually
pleasing due to the four panes of color and the peeping feeling one gets watching people walk by on the streets. The
small hints of Arabic scribbled against the wall reminds you this isn’t Kansas anymore in the event you had a hard time
placing the location.