Remember Fat Man Steve? Erik mentioned the big
guy and his weight loss adventure one simple step at a time across the good old U.S.A. last July, but where is
Steve Vaught these days? Has he lost any weight? According to this Eyewitness news story Vaught was sighted last in
Greencastle, but his Fat Man Walking website last
reports Indianapolis, Indiana. He has walked approximately 2,100 miles from Oceanside, CA and has a little less than
800 miles to go before reaching New York. Incredible! The 39 year-old has lost 92 pounds since he begun and has
received much praise along the way.
Now, I could go on about all the adventures Steve still has ahead, the
documentary crew awaiting him as he crosses his home state of Ohio, and everything else he has done a fine job in
noting in his journal, but that would take the fun out of reading more. If you’re looking for a little weight-loss
inspiration or inspiration in general see what Vaught has to say. Perhaps you can give him a suggestion or two in the
most effective routes across Pennsylvania, New Jersey to New York City. He’s actively seeking the help.