Air Date

We’ve all been there before.  

You’re single, flying solo and waiting to board your plane when suddenly your eyes alight upon the most amazingly beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your life.  And, she’s boarding your plane!

“Oh please, please, please let this person sit next to me,” you pray.  It’s a four hour flight: a perfect amount of time to woo him/her over with your effervescent charm (or, more likely in my case, to make a complete ass of yourself). 

Unfortunately, the odds of sitting next to that one person aren’t very high on a 200 person flight.  Indeed, the chances are better that you will be stuck next to some malodorous leviathan with irritable bowel syndrome. Or worse, suffer the cruel irony of being on the wrong side of a captive date when the sauced-up player sitting next to you simply won’t shut up.

But now, there is a chance to take control of your fate.  A cheesily named internet dating company, AirTroductions, now offers the opportunity to check the availability of singles on your flight before departure and arrange to sit next to them.  Of course, both parties have to be signed up on the site for it to work.  And there is no feigning an emergency phone call from a friend needing immediate aid if the date goes sour.  You’re stuck with them for the duration of the flight. 

I suppose the poor man’s alternative is to fly Southwest Airlines.  With no assigned seating, the amorously aggressive can push and shove their way into whichever prime real estate the pheromones pull them towards.  In fact, the airline actually issues press releases touting the love connections made on their flights as a result of their seatless policy.

No word yet, however, on joining the Mile High Club.