Pittsburgh: Steelers City

From my run-ins with
serious Steelers fans they can be a pretty rowdy bunch and if they’re not
already out painting the streets of Detroit black and gold they may wish to see what’s poppin’ on their side of town.
But will they be able to sit their ancy, loud, team trash talking selves down for a moment with Mozart? Should a trip
to the city’s famed bird aviary be suggested or might it be too risky? I mean, a Seahawk is a bird after all. Here’s
five things to keep the tamer band of fan’s and those completely uninterested in the bowl game busy for the next week
or so.

  • One for the team – Wander into the Senator John Heinz Pittsburgh Regional History
    Center for the Steelers
    Super Bowl Sampler
    . The event takes place January 25, 2006 to kick-off or February 5, 2006. Admission is
    $3.50-$7.50. Cheap and fun for anyone diagnosed with football fever.
  • Last chance to participate in
    Mozart’s big bash with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra tomorrow, January 29, 2006.
    Show is scheduled at 2:30PM and while it’s not football, I’m sure it’d would warm the Mellon Grands hearts for you to
    spend your Sunday with them.
  • The 2006 Pittsburgh Boat
    is running this weekend (Jan. 27-29) and game weekend (Feb. 3-5). Tickets are only $8.00 and provide access in
    discovering boating displays, local boating lifestyle, children’s activities, and an antique boat display. Free boating certification classes are offered January 31 and
    February 2.
  •  Check out the Luke Swank:
    Modernist Photographer
    exhibit at Carnegie Museum of Art. The photographer often found beauty in gritty steel
    industries, circus themes, and mundane household items. The exhibit helps establish his place in the history of
    photography as he was forgotten after his death. Running now until Feb. 5, 2006.
  • A trip to the National
    Aviary could certainly be a fun pre-game activity in some weird fashion. The nation’s premiere bird park is offering
    the opportunity to have breakfast with the chirping, sing-song
    on February 4, 2006. Take photos and ask questions about the 600 plus exotic and endangered birds.
    Non-members expect to pay $18 for Adults and $15 for Seniors/Children.

For more events happening in the
Pittsburg area click into the Convention & Visitors Bureau.