Wow, some great responses out there regarding the post, 24 Goofs.
First off, I respect 24 for never identifying the specific rogue nations involved in their plots. Secondly,
as a result, I don’t know that we can naturally assume this season’s terrorists are from Chechnya.
Chechnya is in the Caucuses, not Central Asia. Furthermore, Chechens are not the only ethnic group demanding
independence from Moscow, just the most violent in their protests.
If we assume for a moment that this season’s terrorists are Chechens, then I agree with jmchez: the Black Sea
route makes the most sense. It is not too difficult of an overland journey from Georgia to Chechnya after docking
in the Black Sea. But, if this was the case, wouldn’t the many references at CTU to “a boat going to
Central Asia” simply mention the Black Sea instead?
I was particularly impressed with Jambalaya John’s comment on the Volga waterways into the Caspian Sea. I’m aware of the
Volga canals that Stalin had built (and the numerous prisoners who died during their construction) but I was not aware
they could accommodate large cargo ships (or for that matter, are even working these days). Anyone have any
insight regarding this? Is it possible for a massive cargo ship to leave Long Beach harbor, cross the Panama
Canal, the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, navigate the various locks on the Volga, and then ply the
waters of the Caspian Sea in eight days? Any salty mariners out there with thoughts on this? Is Central
Asia by sea truly plausible? Or, am I just making too big of a deal over a fictional show that already stretches
the limits of plausibility?