One of the more amusing benefits of leaving America to travel the world is randomly discovering which American
celebrities are doing foreign commercials or worse yet, launching actual singing careers far from the disapproving eyes
of their less-willing-to-sell-out Hollywood colleagues.
It’s been a little known secret here in the States that Baywatch star David Hasselhoff is one such opportunist. From what I’m told the
Germans simply love this über-star in much the same way the French love Jerry Lewis. But Jerry Lewis never
sang. Hasselhoff sings. Indeed, this multi-talented thespian is a huge singing sensation
abroad. I’ve heard about this for years, but alas, my poor, neglected ears have never been graced with the
melodic harmonies of his angelic voice. Until now.
Please kill me.
Check out this hilarious video of Baywatch simpleton Mitch
Buchanan crooning his heart out for all those love-struck frauleins in Düsseldorf. It makes me never want to
go to Germany again.