Hey folks, we’re going to start a new feature called TAKE 5 where
we link to the FIVE best Gadling posts of the week so as to help you find stuff that you may have missed and to
highlight some of the things we want to bring attention to. This is our first post, and we’ll try to keep them going on
each Friday.
So here goes:
5. U2’s Dublin Hotel:
Neil Woodburn, who once served
drinks to the band members of U2 while working in Ireland years ago, talks about the hotel scene in the Irish city, and
talks about the Clarence Hotel, owned by the group, and apparently a fine place
to stay.
4. Red Corner: Moscow’s
Cafe Culture
Another post part of Neil’s Red Corner Series on what’s happening in the former Soviet Union. This
one takes a look at the emerging cafe culture in Moscow.
3. Africa Travel: Central
African Republic & Chad
As part of her excellent Travel Africa series, Adrienne Wilson helps you
understand what’s what for making travel plans to Central Africa
2. Latitudes Magazine
I urge you to take a
look at one of my favorite magazines on the Web, Latitudes Magazine, which is always chock full of great stories and
photos, as well as some multimedia surprises.
1. Countee Cullens’ Baltimore
As part of
Black History Month, Adrienne Wilson discusses the life and work of poet Countee Cullen and his connection with Baltimore.