Win a Love Cruise

Here’s an opportunity for all you romantic novelists
out there. Well, except that it has to be non-fiction. Yes, here we are in the closing half of Valentines Day, and you
know you have that story you just HAVE to tell about your love life, some romantic tale about how true love came up and
nipped you in the butt.

Well, dig through your journals, I’m sure it’s there. Now, add a little more
pizzazz, a few juicy adjectives, flesh it out a bit, and send it to the folks at Southwest
Why, you ask? Because if your story is chosen to win the Southwest LUV
Story Contest
, they will send you and your mate on an all-expenses paid cruise for two on Norwegian Cruise

But you gotta hustle. Your tale has to be in to them by March 15, 2006. So get busy you mushy

(via TravelPost)