Africa Travel: Kenya

Kenya is a country known for its mind-blowing safari’s. That is a given, a fact, and so on. Instead of rambling
on about all the big game and yada yada you’ll see by jeep or hot-air balloon I’d like to take a moment to point out
someone who cared a lot more for the wildlife than most of the country’s sight-seeing adventurers. Michael Werikhe also
known as "The
Rhino Man"
and a native Kenyan, walked for miles on several continents educating people across the world about
the plight of the rhinoceros. At one time the horns from the large creatures were in big demand on the international
black market and because of the poaching there is only an estimated 2,000 black rhinos in existence if even that many.
Just recently the Kenyan Association of Tour Operators donated 100,000 Kenyan Shillings to a trust continuing the work
of Werikhe who passed in 1999.

If you’re interested in learning more about Kenya’s various safari’s which include cultural, beach, sport, adventure, and
scenic safari’s visit the tourism bureau.