been far too long since I’ve done a totally ripper mountain biking trip. Back when I was living in Seattle, I’d
head out all the time into the hinterlands to find some sweet single-track. But since living in New York, the
availability of local single track is decidedly scarce. Still, I love to mountain bike and try to keep my eyes open
for good articles about the sport and the mention of hot trails.
Well, Bike
Magazine has posted its list of ‘America’s 10 Best Trails’ and this
might be one you print out and place a check mark next to each conquered trail as part of a lifelist for yourself. The
list is varied, and covers a lot of territory. Some of the trails will be familiar, (i.e. Moab and Finger Lakes) but
others are decidedly less so. It’s a nice list overall, though. I post it here for your vicarious pleasure.
1. McKenzie River Trail: Eugene, Oregon
2. Downieville Downhill: Downieville, California
National Trail: Phoenix, Arizona
4. Porcupine Rim: Moab, UT
5. The Edge Loop: Fruita, Colorado
Upper Oil Can: North Vancouver, BC
7. Tsali Left Loop: Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina
8. Fisher
Creek: Ketchum, Idaho
9. Plantation Trail: Davis, West Virginia
10.Finger Lakes Trail: Letchworth State
Park, New York