Bowermaster's Slow Boat

posted about this DVD a while back, but wanted to call your attention to it again because I just recently re-watched
it. Jon Bowermaster is one of our great living adventurers, at least one of the greatest paddling adventurers. He has
really elevated the touring kayak trip to a new level with his series of travel called Oceans 8.

His DVD called Slow Boat to Somewhere is one of Bowermaster’s early films. The films puts Bowermaster and his small
crew  aboard a cargo vessel in the vast blue waters of Polynesia. The team, which includes adventure photographer
Peter McBride, ply the yawning ocean, delivering goods to some of the globe’s most isolated coral atolls. Sure, that
may not seem like the recipe for a solid film, but it works. The film drags a bit at moments, but some of the scenes
are fascinating, like the one where Bowermaster watches a man struggles to keep his girlfriend from leaving a desolate
atoll. The boyfriend is obviously intoxicated, and he bodily seizes the woman to prevent her from escaping. It’s an
intense moment that reveals how some of the places we consider tropical paradises, might not quite live up to their