Red Corner: Driving Across Siberia

Looking for the mother of all road trips? The opportunity to point your car east and continue driving for an incredible 6,200 miles before finally hitting the end of the road?

Well then, Siberia is calling your name.

With the completion last year of the Chita-Khabarovsk Highway, a road now stretches from Moscow all the way to Vladivostok on the Sea of Japan. Unfortunately, the Trans-Siberian Highway, as people are starting to call it, is not entirely paved yet and will require plenty of patience and skill to navigate. Adventurous motorists can expect to spend about a month making the journey. The Trans-Siberian railway, on the other hand, can get you across the same expanse in just five days.

Until Russia has its own AAA Automobile Club, I’m sticking to the train.