Sometime ago
some curious soul in the world who had read my
blurb on Tobago being featured in Go World Travel was interested in knowing if Tobago had some decent dive spots.
After picking the brains of a few underwater explorers in the area I discovered Tobago is one of the best kept secrets
in all the Caribbean boasting some of the best diving and the world’s largest brain coral. (It evens mentions this
same information here.) Wishing I could find this out first hand and to cross to check I went surfing the web. Yup, I
know. I’m not much of a diver – sorry. I can’t equalize, but word around town is anyone diver would have a great time
in sleepy Tobago. Some of the areas sure to be scuba diving crowd pleasers include: Speyside, Charlotteville, and
Buccoo Reef to name only a few. Seeing I’m nowhere even close to being an expert in this field use this information to
get going and start gathering some additional information at these sites here: