Say what you will, we don’t eat enough goat. Nope.
You simply do not get enough goat in your daily diet and that’s (oh, please don’t let me do this) that’s baaaaaaahd.
(Oh, I did it. I am sooo sorry). You see, it turns out that goat meat, once reserved for starving shepherds in the
third world, is working is way into the American diet. Don’t believe me?
Read this article
in the LA Times.
Now I should state up front that I have tried goat several times, and have always
found it quite delicious. So I suspect that any aversion people have towards it is mostly a culturally biased one. I’ve
had goat tacos, goat curry, and goat meat sliced right off the spit. Yummy. This cultural aversion does seem to be
changing. According to the Goat Meat Association (yes, there is such a thing),
goat meat imports to the U.S. have jumped about 140% over the last seven years. Californians, it seems, are some of the
biggest consumers of the stuff. So, keep your eye out for goat, and give it a try. In fact, you might even…take…your
(no…resist urge…don’t do it…) take…your…kids. (aggghh, too late. oh well).