It about time for a great invention that can serve all travelers. The onboard SkiesMall catalog is now selling the Infant Cone o’ Silence that fliers both young and old will find a welcome piece of additional in-flight equipment.
The new device uses a special sound stopping polymer called Cryogel® that captures the cries of babies as soon as they leave the infant’s mouth. The sound absorbing cones are simply placed over the heads of babies during flight and can reduce the sound of baby cries by as much as 98 percent, according to certified tests.
The cone has a large opening at the bottom to allow in ample air so that the baby can breathe and a patented “Eating Hole” provides parents with the opportunity to feed the baby while it is wearing the device.
The technology behind the Infant Cone o’ Silence was developed by the military’s skunk works at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) where they are rumored to have been used in military prisons to keep inmates quiet during guard’s bedtime hours. Very cool.