If you love outdoors photography, then you probably know
the work of the late Galen Rowell. Rowell is pretty much one of the
all-time greatest outdoor photographers, and you would find him up in heaven cavorting with the likes of Ansel
Adams, probably shooting right now some of those uber-lovely heavenly sunsets.
The fact is Rowell was an
accomplished technician with a superb eye for the ideal shot. He had immense patience and would wait and wait for just
the right moment for the light to strike a mountain or a body of water or a rock face. I own several of Rowell’s books, which are filled not just with great
images, but also with technical details on how he shot certain photos as well as his philosophy on life and shooting.
Rowell and his wife Barbara died in a tragic plane crash in
2002, but their spirit and work is on display at the Mountain Light Gallery in
Bishop, CA where many of Galen’s photos are on display. Seeing the gallery first hand is highly recommended. it is in a
very attractive building and the photos are all tastefully arranged and organized. Bishop is on the way to Mammoth and
June Lake, so if you are taking a trip up there at any point, I urge you to check out the gallery.