Disney Cruises to Set Sail in Europe

From CNN.com:  Starting in May 2007
through August 2007, Disney Cruise Lines will begin sailing to Italy, France and Spain, in an attempt to "chart
new waters."  The cruise line will offer 10- and 11-night cruises starting in Barcelona, and traveling to
eight European cities.  The news comes in at a time when the industry is soaring, and is predicted to reach
pre-September 11th highs.

"The cruise takes care of [guesswork associated with traveling Europe with
small children] and people trust Disney. At the end of the day you know you’re coming back to the ship and having
five-star dining, great entertainment and you know your kids are going to have a good time,"  said company
President Tom McAlpin.

Update: Before you book, you may want to check out this report on cruising with young
children from Blogging Baby