This afternoon, my family and I are flying out to an
Undisclosed Location to spend the Easter holiday weekend. This is actually a little holiday that we planned about
a month ago, almost at the spur of the moment — our good friends, Joanna and Peter, have recently certified as scuba
divers. Since my husband Marcus and I love to dive, but haven’t since the birth of our daughter, we thought we’d
plan a vacation together with this family — that way, we could dive in shifts, while the remaining pair stay on land
to watch our kids.
In an effort to make our trip a bit more interesting (and see how well your geographical
knowledge of the world is), I thought we could have a little contest here on Gadling. Over the next few days,
I’ll post photographs and clues of our location, and giving you the opportunity to guess where in the world I am.
The first person who guesses, both city and country, will win a souvenir purchased from our location. I promise to
stay away from A – Gadling – staffer – went – to – an – Undisclosed – Location – and – all – I – got – was – this –
lousy – t-shirt – type gift-shop items — I’ll purchase something worthwhile.
Okay, so wish me good
travels. And to get you started, some clues:
- it’s a place known for its diving;
- it’s a great place for lovers; and
- its name is often mispronounced.
Good luck!