I’ve done the majority of my traveling on my own. There is a certain sense of freedom to
be able to go anywhere you want and not have to worry about a travel partner hating a particular city, restaurant, or
museum. But, let’s face it; there are a lot more benefits to actually traveling with someone.
My personal reason for traveling solo is usually because no one wants to go to the strange places I normally pick
for my vacations (Siberia, anyone?). There are others, however, who travel solo for a very different reason; no
one wants to travel with them regardless of where they go.
I recently came across a very
sad article in a San Diego newspaper about Dale Porter, a 43-year-old divorcee who sadly admitted he hadn’t
kissed a woman in over two years. While this is disturbing enough, the thought of going on vacation solo was
apparently so unnerving he has posted an ad on Craigslist searching for a
“pretend girlfriend” to accompany him. The poor guy is so down in the dumps he isn’t even
trying to find a real girlfriend, just one that will occasionally hold his hand on the beach and do the things that
girlfriends do but without the emotion or sex. In return, Mr. Porter will pay all expenses, as well as a daily
fee for services rendered. This certainly sounds like a lame pick-up scam, but he insists his intentions are
truly honorable. And, enough people believe him that more than 30 women have already contacted the lonely
Hmm… I’m not sure what to think about this one. Kudos for trying, but as
his friend says in the article, “Dale just needs to get out a little more.” That’s the
truth. Take my advice and travel solo, man! Because, when American girls won’t give you the time of
day, occasionally foreign ones will.