My absolute favorite magazine in the world (The
New Yorker) is covering my absolutely favorite topic in the world (Travel). And
I am excited. I have not been able to delve too deeply into the issue yet, and I remain steadfastly frustrated by the New
Yorker’s crappy Web presence, but I’ll not go on about that as I have in the past.
But suffice it to say this should be one of the more joyful issues that I can’t wait to sink my brain into.
Among the few articles available online as an appetizer, Nick Paumgarten writes about Mapquest and Jonathan Stern riffs on Lonely Planet in this week’s
Shouts and Murmurs. I will get through the issue soon and will post thoughts about the articles inside. To be honest,
I’m downright giddy about the whole thing. (Yes, I’m a bit of an oddball).